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        Asset Titanium – A beneficial turf nutrient

        With many foliar applied nutrients it is vital that they are in a plant available form and soluble as application and uptake is crucial to the efficacy. Titanium is an abundant element although often unavailable. It is both synergistic with iron at low levels and antagonistic at high levels.

        Asset Titanium is based on high quality raw materials to provide a highly soluble form of Titanium. It is manufactured processing specific ferrotitanium raw materials, uniquely for purpose of turf grass nutrition.

        Titanium, through increasing photosynthesis rate and iron uptake which is involved in chlorophyll and photosynthesis, leads to increased plant growth.

        Historically Titanium has been used to enhance nutrient use efficiency. The benefits of the nutrient have been researched and publicised in peer reviewed academic papers, which has categorised titanium as having bio-stimulant qualities in the way it triggers biochemical processes when applied to turf grass.

        One of the main effects cited by the research is the increase in Chlorophyll production. This is just one of many actions that occur when Ti in the plant available form are applied. The mode of action of titanium is that initially it is taken up by ligands that would ordinarily be occupied by iron and magnesium as it is both synergistic at low levels of iron.

        The first reaction of the plant is to build biomass and as a result, increased nitrate reductase production creates a cyclical process to build and uptake. The second major process is the increased uptake of iron and magnesium from the rhizosphere, where the roots are primed to increase more active foraging for these nutrients.

        How different rates of Titanium Increase Chlorophyll production

        The overall result is increased biomass and chlorophyll production which has been the initial findings of our independent field trial. The formulation has not only titanium, but also a balanced micronutrient package and a unique biopolymer to increase the efficacy of the product.

        More information on Asset Titanium can be found by clicking this link.

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