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        Über uns


        Indigrow Ltd.

        We are a group of companies striving to bring the latest technological advances to the turf and amenity, agriculture and horticulture and weed control industries.

        Our Story

        Indigrow has over 50 years of combined amenity turf experience, has produced a comprehensive product range, covering fine turf fertilizers, outfield fertilizers, foliar feeds, wetting agents and an extensive range of specialist products for today’s turf manager. These have been developed using revolutionary new technology, such as Re-Phlex acid injection replacement products and Magnum surfactants.

        Within our companies and distributors through Europe and the Middle East, Indigrow has a range of products and recommendations to suit all climatic conditions and species. Manufacturing is carried out a number of locations all of which are Approved to ISO 9001:2000 or equivalent and this backed up with modern distribution centres and logistics systems, used to handling and delivering quality products, safely.

        Indigrow has high expectations and plans to be Europe’s No 1 supplier of specialist fertilisers and growing aids to the professional sport turf market. Continuous product and system development will deliver more efficient, cost effective products quickly and safely to your door.

        Meet the Team

        Write something about the people who make your business go or your philosophy behind customer service.
        Why? Because people want to know who they’re doing business with. It’s a human thing.

        Need more information?

        Should you require a brochure or any further information then please contact us.

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