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        About Us

        Golf turf category & about image

        About Indigrow Ltd

        «Fertilisers are concentrated sources of nutrients of natural or synthetic origin. They are applied to soil or to plant tissues in a convenient form such as pellets, granules, powders or liquids. Growth and the natural fertility of the soil is improved along with replenishment of the nutrients taken from the soil by previous growth»

        Growth Through Innovation

        Indigrow are specialist manufactures of fertilisers and nutrients for the sportsturf market and agriculture & horticulture markets, with over 75 years’ experience of operating around the world. Covering 5 continents and over 40 countries, we employ over 35 staff with qualifications covering all the aspects of agronomy required to promote healthy growth.

        These include: MSc Agriculture, Soil and Plant Science, MSc Agrifood, BSc (Hons) Horticultural Science, BSc Sports Turf Science, H.N.D. Horticulture (Golf Course Management), N.V.Q. Sports Turf and Horticultural Machinery and IOG National Diploma in Turf Culture. We also have FACTS Qualified Advisers, BASIS Qualified Advisors, FACTS & BASIS Examiners.

        Within our companies and distributors through Europe, the Middle East and the far East, Indigrow has a range of products and recommendations to suit all climatic conditions and species. Manufacturing is carried out a number of locations all of which are Approved to ISO 9001:2000 or equivalent and this backed up with modern distribution centres and logistics systems, used to handling and delivering quality products, safely.

        Indigrow has high expectations, setting exceptional standards for our product development of fertilisers, bio-stimulants and other products for the professional sport turf, agriculture & horticulture markets. Our continuous product development will deliver innovative, more efficient, cost effective products to meet the needs of the most demanding conditions across the globe.

        Need More Information?

        Should you require a brochure or any further information then please contact us.

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