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        Amino, Humic & Fulvic Acids

        Amino acids are organic compounds that contain amine (-NH₂) and carboxyl (-COOH) functional groups. The key elements of an amino acid are carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), and nitrogen (N), although other elements are found in the side chains of certain amino acids.

        It is believed that there are about 500 naturally occurring amino acids, only some of which are beneficial to turf grass. There is a wide range of 20 amino acids in the pool within plants. This varies throughout the plants lifecycle and changes depending on its development and physiological conditions.

        The biologically active amino acids are the L (Levorotatory) α amino acids as opposed to the D Dextrorotatory amino acids which are not biologically active. Not all amino acids are readily plant available. It is the L- α amino acids that are plant available, and which are the focus of our products.

        Amino acids are the building blocks of peptides, proteins and DNA. They have a variety of functions and are crucial to the overall health of any plant. Getting the correct balance is vital in preventing stress which can have a significant impact of turf quality and aesthetics.

        Amino Acids

        Indigrow Turbine products have a highly concentrated L- α amino acid package derived from sustainable plant based raw materials. The wide variety of amino acids cover very many biologically activities in plants as well as biosynthesis of proteins and are crucial in the resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses.

        Throughout the plant life cycle the pool of amino acids varies in composition in a dynamic flux depending on the internal demands of the plant metabolism. By identifying the key amino acids such as proline which is particularly beneficial in drought conditions and applying this in order to reduce the requirement of the plant to utilise its own energy to fulfil the stress relief requirements.

        The use of Turbine Amino OneShot reduces the impact of stress on the plants own resources. Applications are particularly important during periods of stress, which can include drought, cold or frost and other physiological stresses.

        A ball and stick model of the lysine amino acid. This is one of 18 amino acids in Turbine Amino OneShot.
        A ball and stick model of the lysine amino acid. This is one of 18 amino acids in Turbine Amino OneShot.

        Fulvic Acids

        Fulvic acids are the smallest molecular form of humic acid molecules, and are vital to turf grass. They help to mobilise the minerals applied as fertiliser into a form which can be readily absorbed by the turf grass plant. Fulvic acids help the plant metabolise nutrients, vitamins, enzymes and auxins, all of which contribute significantly to overall plant health.

        Fulvic acids also help turf grass plants to deal with stresses, including drought. They achieve this by helping to increase the amount of soluble sugars in the cell.

        As fulvic acid is a form of humic substance, it with works perfectly with the humic acid package in Turbine Humate OneShot.

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